Are you also facing this error? If yes then today we have come up with a solution to this error in our blog, through the help of the given solution you can correct this error. This error comes when you are opening your company file directly from the network or when you are upgrading the company file in QuickBooks.
According to Intuit, this QuickBooks error occurs in a multi-user environment. Sometimes, you can see that the few QuickBooks user tries to restore QuickBooks company files from a backup hard disk or opens a company file from the multi-network server, that time also this error occur in your system.

Causes of QuickBooks Error 6123
Below we have given some reasons through which you will know why this error makes your system. Check and read the following details carefully:-
- When from an external storage device you can restoring a company file.
- From the host server that disrupted network connection.
- When some time the QuickBooks company data file Damaged.
- Interruption comes to open the QuickBooks company firewall settings
- On your computer, the McAfee Antivirus service is installed, and not working properly. With QuickBooks Desktop Services it interferes.
- When you damaged Windows.
Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 6123
Below we have to list some details of the symptoms of QuickBooks Error 6123, you need to read carefully and know about it:-
- With the server hosting inability that will connect the QuickBooks company file.
- Open the QuickBooks company files with some inability.
- while you try to perform any other action at the system that time the computer works becomes slow and unresponsive.
Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Error 6123
Step 1: Do not Use special character from the File
- First, you need to check that the company file name must be less than 30 characters
- Or, check that doesn’t include any type of special character or space in the company file
Step 2: Run QuickBooks File Doctor
- First, you need to download the QuickBooks Tool Hub and then go to your downloads section by clicking CTRL+J
- After that, go to the downloads list, and then click on QuickBooksToolsHub.exe
- After that, click on the option of Yes to allow this app to make changes
- Then, click on Next to install it, and after that click on the Yes option again for accepting the license agreement
- Select on the Next option and then Install (sometimes this process take some time to complete this process)
- And when the installation process is complete then you need to click on the option of Finish
- After that, you need to open QuickBooks Tool Hub
- Go to the Company File option, and then check the issues tab click on Run QuickBooks File Doctor
- After that, you need to Browse your QuickBooks company file
- And then, you need to select to check your file and network
- Click on the option of Continue
- After that, you need to enter your QuickBooks Admin Password and then click on the option of Continue
- Sometimes this process takes a few time to troubleshoot your company file
- After that, this process may ask you that where your company file is stored in your system to choose the option according to your file location (that is Server or Workstation) and then click on the option of Next
- Once the repair process is completed then you need to select the QuickBooks company file from the given list
- After that, you need to click on the option of Open QuickBooks
- And if you see that your file is still unable to open. Then you need to restart your computer and then try to open the QuickBooks desktop again.
- And if you successfully open the company file then you need to make sure that make a backup first or if the same problem still comes then follow the next solution.
Solution 3: Rename the .ND file along with.TLG file
- First, you need to open the folder at the place where your company file is saved.
- Then, you need to click on the option of coordinated .ND file of your company.
- Now, go and right-click on the “Company File” and then click on the option of the Rename.
- When the process is completed then you need to change the name .ND file to the .ND.OLD that you have also the second option to select the .TLG file and then change the name of .TLG file.
- After that, you need to change the name .TLG file to .TLG.OLD.
- And then open your QuickBooks company file or if the same problem still comes then follow the next solution.
Solution 4: Change your company file to Another Location
This solution is the primarily applicable solution while accessing backups that time the users see this QuickBooks Error 6123.
- First, you need to move the original file to a different location in your system to confirm that the error is not because of the file path. But in some cases, the default path of your system should not result in an error.
- from a backup file (.qbb) file and if the company file is being restored, that time you need to make sure that it is on the hard drive and also this is not an online folder or removable device.
- After you create a portable copy (.qbm), that time you need to restore the original company file rather than the backup file (.qbb) if the latter doesn’t work.
- Then you need to try to open the QuickBooks desktop again. And if you successfully open the company file then you need to make sure that make a backup first or if the same problem still comes then follow the next solution.
Solution 5: Launch QuickFix my Program
When sometimes the issue with the company files cannot be fixed by renaming it or moving it to another location of your system, at that time we assure that the problem could be with the contents of the file or network issues. And then, you need to use the provisions in the QuickBooks Tools Hub to fix the QuickBooks error. The QuickFix my Program is used for resolving issues with the application.
- First, you need to choose Program Problems in the QuickBooks Tools Hub.
- After that, click on the option of QuickFix my Program. Sometimes this process takes some time to run.
- And if you have multiple versions of QuickBooks installed, that time can take longer time. And then you need to wait until the progress is not completely done.
- And once the QuickFix my Program is finished, then you can open QuickBooks and verify your issue is fixed but if the same problem still comes then follow the next solution.
Solution 6: Resolve Antivirus Software and Firewall Issues
In this solution, you need to resolve the antivirus software scan in your system for all the files including the ones used by QuickBooks Desktop. Also, the QuickBooks software unsigned .DLLs could be caught by the scanners of the anti-virus software. Follow the given steps to resolve the issue:-
- First, you need to update the anti-virus software to the latest version.
- And then, you need to add an exception to the files, or if it occurs in your anti-virus software permits.
- After that, you need to try restarting your computer after making the changes either QuickBooks or the anti-virus software.
In optional, some company files used by QuickBooks Desktop especially in the multi-user mode might be blocked by the firewall. And Running in the platform of the QuickBooks Database Server Manager that will open the company files.
Solution 7: Uninstall & Reinstall QuickBooks
Below provide the steps of uninstalling and reinstalling, follow the details and complete this process without any issue:-
Uninstall QuickBooks
- First, click and close the QuickBooks Desktop
- After that, click Windows+R keys at the same time, and then it prompts you for a Run box
- Then, you need to go search bar and type into the Run box Control Panel
- Click on the option of Programs and then select the Programs and Features
- Go to the QuickBooks from the given list and then click on the option of Uninstall
Reinstall QuickBooks
- When you complete the uninstallation process and then go to the scratch bar and go from the Control Panel.
- And then you need to fill in the product and license information that is available.
- After that, click on the option of download the QuickBooks version that you want to use on your computer or insert a CD.
- And then, start installing QuickBooks to following the normal procedure that you already know.
- After that, you need to again fill out your product and license information that you have already.
- And at the last, you need to open the company file.
While you Restoring your company file (.qbw) if you see Error 6123
If you want to restore your company file data directly from the hard drive of your computer or restoring your company file from a backup (.qbb):
- On the network or external storage device if your file resides on your system, and also you need to move the backup file to your local hard drive. But remember one thing that you don’t open them from an online storage folder or a removable drive.
- And then, from a backup follow the on-screen instructions to restore your company file.
While you Restoring a backup (.qbb) on a new computer if you see Error 6123
When you see this error and if you want to create a portable company file (.qbm). Then you need to use it to restore your company file.
- First, on the same computer, you need to open QuickBooks Desktop that you used to create the backup company file.
- After that, you need to open your original company file as usual that is not the backup in your system.
- After that, you can create a portable copy (.qbm) of your company file.
- Then, on the new computer, you need to open QuickBooks Desktop.
- And at the last, you need to restore your company file that using the portable copy (.qbm) instead of the backup.
Last Line
We hope the above solution help to fix QuickBooks error 6123. We understand your problem, you manage accounting work on QB and face error it becomes stressable for you that’s why we discussed the solution to fix QB error 6123. After completing all the solutions parts this error never comes into your system and you will also work properly with your QuickBooks.